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Cyclone Alfred - Online Orders can expect delays.
The Palm Beach Blitz 2021 - Report

The Palm Beach Blitz 2021 - Report

Australian Kayak Specialists recently hosted the Palm Beach Blitz Kayak Fishing Comp. It was the first time since Feb 2020 that we were able to get together and compete offshore – so it came as little surprise that the comp was well attended.

50 entries were received, however the prospect of dealing with large swell scared a few off. Whilst there was no doubt some decent bombs rolling through and some power behind the waves, it was far from the forecasted 2-meter waves that were originally anticipated.


In the End 41 Kayakers launched. 39 of them managed to negotiate the surf and get themselves in the running for the First Fish.

The Palm Beach Blitz differs from our other events in its objective. This comp is essentially a race to be the first person back on the beach with one of the selected species.

Eligible fish include: Spotted Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Cobia, Longtail Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, Mahi-Mahi, GT, Wahoo and Marlin.

Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd as well as largest fish.

This year saw Scotty Davis take top honours. Scotty managed to get back on the beach with a Spanish Mackerel in the hatch roughly 24 minutes after launch.

Matthew Fisher followed 16 minutes later with a Spotted Mackerel on board, followed closely by Tyler Chubb with a nice Spanish Mackerel.

With 5 minutes to spare before the race concluded (at 8 am) – Local Chris Carnster measured the largest fish for the day, pipping Tyler at the end.

The Field Finished in this order:

  1. Scott Davis
  2. Matthew Fisher
  3. Tyler Chubb
  4. Jim Koek
  5. Tim Kreis
  6. Ben Hannant
  7. Olly Wren
  8. Rodney Pacitti
  9. Dan Bennington
  10. Paul Pallet
  11. Andrew Bodley
  12. Justin Mitchell
  13. Chris Carney
  14. Andres Villegas
  15. John Gralton
  16. Derek Porche
  17. Kai Brown
  18. Andrew Munro
  19. Jord Weigerink

AKS would like to thank all of the participants for getting amongst it – as well as all of those that assisted with Setup, BBQ, Photography etc…

We look forward to the next adventure which is the Noosa Challenge followed by the Revenge of Adder !



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