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Cyclone Alfred - Online Orders can expect delays.
Cyclone Alfred - Online Orders can expect delays.
Inbound Stock and Future Orders

Inbound Stock and Future Orders

Things are changing. We are working to adapt as best we can.

Load Shedding in South Africa coupled with Severe Port Congestion at the Port of Durban has forced us to work smarter with our Stock procurement.

Due to the high volume of Pre-orders we are experiencing on our inbound stock (due to arrive soon) we have accelerated subsequent containers.

Whilst some of our stock arriving this month is still available - Items are being pre-secured on a daily basis.

We have a Container leaving South Africa at the end of September that should arrive Early November. Custom orders have closed on this particular container - although available stock will open for Pre-Order soon.

We will therefore be working on the next container, which would arrive in January should everything go to plan. If you are interested in getting something Custom made, or have your eye on a less popular Model - be sure to touch base to avoid missing out.

If you email I am happy to walk you through the order process.

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